Danny & Family

Just Some Random Stories About Me and My Family

Friday, November 17, 2006

I Just Switched To Beta . . . .

. . . . and I can't do a thing with it!

Actually, I'm just doing a test "post" because I want to see how it looks now that I've switched.

Let's see - I can change the font style.

I can change the font size.

I can add color to the text.

I can align my text in the following ways:
I can enumerate (that's a big word for me) the states that I've visited:
  1. Arizona
  2. California
  3. Hawaii
  4. Nevada
  5. New Mexico
  6. Oregon
  7. South Dakota
  8. Texas
  9. Utah
  10. Virgina
  11. Washington
  12. Washington D.C.
  13. Wyoming
I can create a bulleted list of things to do tomorrow:
  • Water the lawn
  • Change the oil in the trailer generator
  • Take the hazardous waste to the round-up
  • Clean the trailer for the upcoming ride
  • Work on banking account stuff, bill paying, & the like
  • Watch the UCLA game
I can finaly spelll-cheque on the Create Poste page.

Alright, that's enough. You get the idea. Peace, Out.


  • At November 20, 2006 1:05 PM, Blogger The Wrider said…

    Thanks for the link to my blog. I enjoy reading yours as well. I have switched to Beta, too, but there doesn't seem to be much difference for me because of the layout/format I selected...I can't make any changes. Oh well! I'll think about next time I give mine a facelift! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  • At November 21, 2006 11:53 AM, Blogger D.O.M. Dan said…

    Thanks Wrider.

  • At December 01, 2006 9:12 AM, Blogger Diane said…

    I have delaying the switch to beta, but looks like it works well!


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