Danny & Family

Just Some Random Stories About Me and My Family

Saturday, May 08, 2010

The Saturday Morning Post - May

Is it May already? Where does the time go?

Yesterday was anything but a typical Friday for me. I took a vacation day to help my sister move. Well, she actually has already moved in to her new place, but had several boxes that needed to be re-located into a storage facility. She rented a small moving truck, and we loaded up the boxes and drove them to the storage facility where we loaded them into a unit the size of a coat closet. How we got them all to fit in there I don't know. After she treated me to lunch and we said our goodbyes, I began to drive home.

I didn't have anything planned for my afternoon. I knew there were a few things I could do around the house. I was thinking of taking all of our recyclable bottles and cans to the recycling center. (It's a mad house on Saturdays, and I had been putting this off for several weekends).

So as I was driving home I received a phone call from my wife Laura. Laura tells me 'I don't want you to panic, but I'm leaving work to go to the hospital.' She explained what happened: she leaked some fluid, and felt what she thought were contractions. She called her doctor's office, who told her to go to the hospital and check in at labor and delivery. So I remained calm, told her I was on the way home from my sisters, and that we could go to the hospital together.

We each arrived home separately, and shortly thereafter left together for the hospital. We checked in a little before 2:00, and the monitoring began. I'll spare you everything that occurred over the next 7 hours, and just fast forward to the end - everything ended well and we were released just after 9:00. All tests came back fine / normal, there was no break in the baby bag, the two ultrasounds that were done showed normal healthy levels and activity. We just have a very active baby in Laura's belly.

Other updates:
Brady's squad did not retain their world champion title in the Worlds Cheer Competition. They finished second, but they're still number 1 in our hearts. Next week, Brady will tryout for the same squad. Jason, Brady's friend and our house guest, is now too old for that squad, and will have to move to a different level. Jason has found a coaching job at a different gym, and Brady has also applied there too. Laura and I told Brady that we can't afford to pay for his cheer fees, and if he wants to continue he has to get a job and pay for them himself. After we told him this, he immediately began job hunting.

Nina and I went on our monthly daddy-daughter date last Saturday - to The Home Depot's Kids Workshop. This month's project was a wood stand holding a flower pot, which is also for Mother's Day. I was not able to post a picture on Facebook because Laura would have seen it and that would have spoiled Nina's surprise. I can post a picture here though, because Laura rarely reads this blog.

The picture above is taken before the project was complete. The Home Depot only supplied the basic pieces, but paint, decorations and the plant to go in the holder has to be supplied by us. Nina and I bought a small paint set at an arts and crafts store. Nina painted it all on her own, and the nearly completed project is pictured below.

Today, Nina and I are going on a hike. Laura was originally going to join us, but in light of yesterday's events; she's going to stay home and rest.

I'll be visiting blogs later this afternoon to check in on what's going on with you.

Bye for now . . .


  • At May 08, 2010 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm so glad about the baby.

    With our youngest, I got a similar call at my office one morning, where the doctor informed me, "I can't find a heartbeat. You should come to the hospital." Suffice it to say, I drove the 12 miles at light speed but I thought I'd never get there.

    Together my wife and I watched as they did another sonogram and there it was, beating up a storm.
    The nurse says, "With this little boy, pray this is the worst thing he puts you through."


    Continued you prayers for you. I know God will be with you.


  • At May 14, 2010 5:39 PM, Blogger sage said…

    Glad to hear things are okay... You're a good dad to have daughter dates, I love spending time with my daughter who is now twelve (and there is a rare photo of her in my post today)

  • At June 04, 2010 6:04 PM, Blogger sage said…

    THought I'd let you know I posted another blog on the Randsburg area--Goler Gulch


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