Danny & Family

Just Some Random Stories About Me and My Family

Friday, September 28, 2007

Coming Soon

Hi Blog Friends,

I'm working on a post to recap this past weekend where I split my time between my off road club and being a cheer dad. It will appear on my D.O.M. blog, hopefully by this Saturday night.

I'm trying to visit y'all to leave a comment. I miss visiting more often. Looks like it's going to be an occasional week night / weekend thing.

All my best,



Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A New Arrival

Yesterday, Laura's Brother (Sean) and his wife (Reann) had their baby. We were very happy to hear the news, and I'm pleased to report that both mother and daughter are doing fine. I don't know what it is about our families and their pattern of having babies in August or September, but the trend continues. I guess it would be more accurate for me to say "I don't know what it is about our families and their pattern of conceiving in November and December, but the trend continues."

Lets have a run down, shall we: Niece Anna (8-21-1990), Nephew Timothy (8-21-2003), our son Brady (8-22-1993), my mom Norma (8-31-1938), our daughter Nina (9-5-2000), Niece Christine (9-15-1994), newborn Niece Ava (9-17-2007), Niece Kira (9-??-1999), my grandfather Joseph (9-16-1909), Laura's grandmother Bertha (9-25-1935), aunt Grace (9-28-1921), and uncle Gilbert (9-30-1942). There are also three family wedding anniversaries during the months of August and September.

Needless to say, trying to plan a child's party is very difficult because some of the kid's birthdays are so close that parties are sometimes booked on the same day. Here's what we started doing a couple of years ago. We have one family party where all the family attends and brings gifts for all the kids celebrating during the those two months. Then, each of us have a 2nd party so that each kid can invite their friends. (Family is invited too, but it's understood that they don't bring a gift to that party.) It's also understood if some of the family can't attend that 2nd party because they have another party to attend for one of the others celebrating a birthday. It's confusing, but it works.

Since most of the kids celebrating their birthdays are on my side of the family, my mom hosts the family party. She gets birthday presents too since her birthday is during this time period as well. If your birthday was in August or is in September - Happy Birthday To You!

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

For Those Of You Who've Left Comments

The topic of today’s post will basically just be a response to recent comments left on my blog by readers. I’m doing it this way for reasons I’ll explain below. So let me get right in to the responses:

To all of you who wished my daughter Nina a happy birthday and/or left a kind remark about the picture I posted – Thank You!

But not to be too impersonal, let me respond in more detail to . . .

LA – Yes, Nina is the one on the left, her friend Frankie is on the right.

GetFlix – Grumpiness is the nicest word I could come up with at the time. Nina can be (and often is) a little stinker. She’s also sometimes a spoiled brat and a crybaby. She’s also learning the fine arts from her brother, Brady, of being disrespectful, not picking up after herself, and not listening to her parents. But Laura and I love them both. Sorry, I digressed. I have several pictures of Nina that capture a grumpy or grouchy look that she gets when she doesn’t get her way, or is upset with someone or something. We call this her Pooty Face.

To all of you who have offered congratulations on my recent Blogger Reflection Award, thank you. And thanks again to Sage for bestowing this honor on me.

V - Thanks for the words of encouragement: "As long as you're still blogging, that's all that really matters." The truth is that I'm barely blogging.

LA – I was actually surprised that Frank Murphy gave me a shout out. I too remember when Frank was K&B’s producer, and Mark & Brian’s before that. (I remember Poorman on Love Line too.)

So why am I responding to my readers’ comments here and not on the comment page where they left the comments? To tie it to an explanation of my personal blog reading and writing woes.

Here’s the thing: the company I work for began enforcing an internet use policy. This policy includes tracking of internet use by users without their knowledge. No, there is nothing illegal about this. As a member of our company's human resources management team, it would be career suicide to continue doing what I had been doing up until about two weeks ago - spending my lunch hour reading the blogs on my blog scroll and commenting on the same. Even though I would never go to a web site with content that is clearly in violation of the policy, the policy also covers using the internet for non-business reasons. There is absolutely no business related reason for me to be on any of my blog sites, regardless of the content or subject of the post.

Here's the other thing: my wife Laura really, really doesn't like my blogging habit. She has disagreed with my blogging since day one. So, since I can't blog from work, and I am very limited to when I can blog from home - basically when Laura is out of the house, like right now as I'm writing this (as opposed to when you're reading it); I can almost never blog. It pains me that I haven't read any of your posts for nearly two weeks. But as time allows I will catch up with my reading, try to leave a comment, and occasionally post something here for you to read.

All my best, Danny

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Happy Birthday Nina

Nina turned 7 years old today! Here she is with one of her very best friends, Frankie. Okay, so this picture was taken months ago when she was closer to six than seven, but I thought it was cute how they were behind a planter. It captures the playfulness that she has. On some other day I will post a picture that captures the grumpiness that she also has.


Saturday, September 01, 2007

Blogger Reflection Award

Sage has awarded me the Blogger Reflection Award. Here it is for all of you to see:

I am very grateful for this honor. I originally started a blog so I wouldn't be anonymous when leaving comments on other blogs, and as a way to talk about the off road club that I'm in. My club posts are few and far between, and don't seem to interest many people. So I split that blog off onto it's own and started a second blog which centers around my family.

This is what Sage wrote about my blog:

Dan is a family guy with a motorcycle, but DOM doesn’t stand for Dan on Motorcycles. It's an acronym for Dirty Old Man (I see little evidence of in his posts, if that’s what you’re looking for, go read Herb's blog). Dan's posts are thoughtful, often reflecting on what he and his family are doing. He loves his wife. His recent memory of his father’s death was most touching. He’s emotional; he makes the rest of us men look bad by expressing his feelings in such warm and tender ways--kind of like Barry Manilow. Thanks Dan, may we learn something from you.

Thank you Sage, that was really nice. But let me just clarify one thing: I don't have the talent to ride a motorcycle, and I wouldn't think of insulting dirt bike riders everywhere by letting it be said that I ride a motorcycle. I actually ride an all terrain vehicle (ATV) called a quad. It has four wheels to help keep me on the ground at all times. I don't ride beyond my abilities; I have a family to care for and they care about me.

If any of you would like to read about my off road club - the Dirty Old Men - please click on the link in my blog scroll. We are a family orientated club, not a bunch of perverted old guys. The founders of the club (32 years ago) may have been dirty old men, but now-a-days, "Dirty" describes how we get after we've been riding in the desert.

Being honored with this award comes with a few rules, which I will make a decent attempt to follow. Those of you chosen have no obligation to play along.

1. Copy the rules for participation

2. Replace my bloggers with your five bloggers. Then reflect and write at least a paragraph about each one. (Don't worry, you wont get your wrist slapped with a ruler if you fail to complete this).

3. Make sure you link this post so others can read it and the rules.

4. Go leave your chosen bloggers a comment and let them know they've been given the award.

5. Put the icon on your site.

Here are the blogs I have chosen for the Blogger Reflection Award:

These are in a particular order because my mind works in an organized and logical manner – sometimes to my advantage; sometimes to my disadvantage.

I hadn't even heard of the word blog before February, 2006. That’s when I heard on my favorite morning radio program about Bean’s Blog. For those of you who don’t know who Bean is, Bean Baxter is a radio personality in Los Angeles, and does a morning broadcast called The Kevin and Bean Show. You can read more about their show here and here. In January, 2006, Bean started a daily blog which became enormously popular. Bean had made a commitment to his readers that he would post everyday for a year. That was a tall order (albeit, self imposed).

I didn’t begin reading Bean’s Blog until about two months after he started his daily post, but I quickly realized how much I liked it. Bean told his readers about all kinds of obscure stuff, but still, some of it was interesting to me. Bean posted about the things that he personally liked: the Seattle Mariners, the Seattle Seahawks, the U.S. Post Office, his infatuation for anything Hello Kitty, the Planet Pluto, and the person who discovered Pluto, Dr. Clyde Tombaugh. Bean also posted about music and songs, and would often include running lists as part of a theme – songs about summer, songs with a number in them, etc.

It was because of Bean’s Blog that I came to enjoy blogging, and I started leaving comments on his posts. I didn’t want to be anonymous, so in March of 2006 I launched my first blog. From Bean’s Blog I discovered many other blogs, some of which are acknowledged below. Bean tried but didn’t quite make it to his one year commitment, but those of us who experienced his blog will probably not forget it soon. So I hereby posthumously award this Blogger Reflections Award to Bean’s Blog.

My second award goes to one of the bloggers I discovered while reading comments on Bean’s Blog. Once I started commenting on Bean’s Blog I would often click over to other people leaving comments and check out their profiles and blogs. I liked Diane’s blog and I think I was one of the first people to leave her a comment. I’ve visited ever since, enjoying many of the things she posts about. Her love for her two dogs is obvious in many ways; the blog title itself is the name of her dogs. Reading Diane’s blog reminds me of when I had my two dogs, but also when I had more time to do the things I personally enjoyed, and having the means to do it. I enjoy reading Diane’s blog, and it’s through her blog scroll that I discovered many other blogs. That’s how I discovered Sage’s blog, who awarded me with the Blogger Reflections Award.

My third and fourth awards go to bloggers I discovered while reading comments on Diane’s blog. V’s blog is well written and occasionally has topics that really get me thinking. Three recent ones are his posts on Troy Davis, the Jena 6, and the Katrina hurricane victims. I think it takes a special type of person to be able to call attention to human rights and human suffrages causes, and help remind people of injustices and such. V has also posted about documentaries that focus on important subjects. I would probably not have been aware of such issues had it not been for V.

Jenster’s blog I discovered while reading Prunella Jones’ blog, who I discovered while reading Diane’s blog. Jenster is a cancer survivor who writes about her family. She is a woman of faith and although I haven’t been reading her blog for a very long time, I took to it quickly and read it often. This short paragraph I'm writing about Jenster's blog doesn't do it justice. It’s also a good-looking blog, and I wish my blog looked so good.

My final award goes to Frank Murphy. I discovered Frank’s blog while reading Bean’s Blog. Frank posts everyday, and I think that alone is deserving of an award. Frank is a man of faith whose posts are many times about his family, sometimes about his town of Knoxville, sometimes about his life experiences and travels, and although I don’t often leave comments, I read it regularly.

Please take the time to visit each of these blogs. Maybe you too will find something that you like about them.

Due to many demands both in family life and work life, I will probably be posting less often. I will also have less time to read posts, which I have been doing during my lunch time (at work) for quite some time now. I am now limited to reading post from my home computer on nights and weekends, where I must share use of our computer with my wife and two kids.