Danny & Family

Just Some Random Stories About Me and My Family

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oak Glen - Part 1

This past Sunday, Oct. 12, we renewed something of a family tradition by going up to Oak Glen.  Oak Glen is a community in the hills above Yucaipa and is known for apple orchards.  For those of you familiar with the Los Angeles area, Yucaipa is off of the 10 freeway between Riverside and Banning, and you'd pass it if you were heading out to the Morongo Casino or Palm Springs.

Oak Glen has several areas where stores, restaurants and attractions are grouped together.  If you had time you could visit all of them.  These different areas are not necessarily within walking distance to each other; you have to drive up the road from one to another.  If you're going up hill; it's a steep winding road, and because of how popular the area is, it gets very congested with traffic.  Parking can become a challenge, but it's well worth it.

As a family, we've gone to Oak Glen a few other times on-and-off since Laura and I have been married.  Laura's family has gone there a few other times years ago.  What we did this past Sunday, and what we've done on the other occasions since I've gone, is to start by having breakfast in the park.  One of the areas of stores and restaurants happens to have a small park where there are picnic benches.  We got there about 10:00 am, and with the help of a Coleman Stove had hot coffee and a hot skillet in no time.  Laura's grandmother cooked us
Quesadillas.  Oak Glen is a great place for us to take lots of pictures, and this trip was no exception.  Here's one of the whole family:

Laura made sure we all wore something that matched. This picture turned out the best of all the family ones we took.  I'm not thrilled with my smile - it almost looks like I didn't want to be there, but actually it was the only one where Brady was not making a funny face (on purpose).  In the other pictures my smile was better, but Brady had a silly face.  After we ate breakfast the kids played for a while.  Joining us on this trip was Laura's grandparents, Nina's friend Frankie, and Laura's sister-in-law and two of her three daughters.  Laura's brother opted to stay home with the baby.  Also joining us was Laura's grandparent's dog, Mimi:

Here's Laura's sister-in-law, Reanne, with Zoe on the left, and Mia on the right:

Laura's Grandpa, Gil, loves all of his grand kids and great-grand kids. Here he is making his great-granddaughter, Mia, laugh:

Here's Nina and her friend Frankie. This was Frankie's first time to Oak Glen, and she had a great time.

Here's me and my Honey-Bunny:

After the kids played for a while, we went shopping at one of the stores near the park. We also walked around some of the other souvenir stores nearby. Then we drove up the road to one of the other areas where there are a lot more shops to visit. There is also a museum there, along with other attractions. We also have plenty more pictures, but I'll save them for my next post.


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Obama vs. McCain

I watched this debate too.

McCain - what a bag of hot air.  I learned four things:  (1.) He likes Joe Lieberman; he mentioned him at least 3 times.  (2.) Ronald Reagan is his hero. (3.) Teddy Roosevelt is his other hero. (4.) I'm his friend (but so are you and everyone tuning in, because he said "my friends" about 100 times.)

What do you think Michelle will wear to the inauguration ceremony?


Thursday, October 02, 2008

Biden vs. Palin

I watched the whole debate and here are my thoughts:

Biden did a better job of answering the questions.

Palin didn't answer some of the questions, but did a lot of talking about the subject of the question and about other issues.

One question regarding the economy was answered by Biden.  Then on Palin's turn she didn't talk about the economy - she switched the topic first to the energy issue, and then next to the environment.  Even Gwen Ifill, the moderator, picked up on that switch of topics by Palin.

In my opinion Biden focused too much on what McCain does wrong, and how it's not too different from Bush.  I understand this is a strategy, but it started to get old.  Even Palin picked up on it calling it "looking back".  I wish Biden would have focused more on what he and Obama will do better.

I think the same type of strategy hurt Kerry in '04 when he criticized Bush too much, and didn't promote his plan or solution enough.  I like how Biden pointed out he hasn't heard McCain's plan.

I think it was a good debate, and I think Biden did a slightly better job.
