Danny & Family

Just Some Random Stories About Me and My Family

Sunday, April 08, 2007

April Birthday Wishes (ammended)

Time for my monthly shout-out to all of my relatives and friends celebrating a birthday or anniversary this month. I've added to the list since the original posting.

Cousin Michael - on the 1st

Grandma - on the 2nd, but not a birthday (that's next month). My grandmother celebrates her saint's day. I don't know if this is a tradition in Mexico, but the only person I've known (or even heard about) who celebrates a saint's day is my grandmother. Now in our family we've always accepted this, and remember to acknowledge my grandmother on her saint's day. More about this topic later.

Nina Lolita (Aunt Dolores) - on the 7th

Laura's Grandpa Gil - on the 11th. Gil (& wife Bertha) are also our next-door neighbors.

Sister Donna - on the 19th

Nephew Henry - on the 20th

Diane - a regular reader / commenter of my blog - on the 28th. (It's because of her comment on this very post that I know her birth date).

Also on the 28th - Nina Lolita & Uncle Gilbert's wedding anniversary. Let me comment on this particular anniversary, which is my aunt & uncle's 45th. The actual date of their wedding is April 28, 1962, and it was the first wedding I ever attended. I, of course, don't remember a thing; I was only 3 months old. My mom has mentioned to me on numerous occasions that she can easily remember how many years her sister Dolores has been married because it's the same number of years that I am old.

I thought it would be cool to think about that date (4-28-62) and mention a few things that were current back then. So here are three things I came up with: My parents lived in Los Angeles and only had two small kids; President Kennedy was in the White House; and the Beatles were a small club band in Liverpool, England, and not yet heard of in the USA.

How times have changed!

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