Vacation Pictures (sort of)
Despite my best efforts, this is the only [useable] picture from our family vacation in Las Vegas. This was taken on Saturday night, June 28, while the four of us were at a Latin Music club called Luna Y Sol. L-R are Laura, me, Elaine and Frank. Frank is having a better time than his expression indicates. At the same time this picture was taken, several stories up in our hotel room, the kids were having a good time too.
The four of us, and our kids, plus a bunch of other friends and relatives also had a fun time at our backyard pool party and BBQ held this past weekend. This next picture was taken during the party, and is of Casey & Kenny. They are our friends from our off road club, the D.O.M.
This next picture was taken later Saturday night, also during the party & BBQ. These are our friends Terry & Robin, and their beautiful daughter Ellie. Elyssa actually, but she's affectionately called Ellie. (I hope I'm spelling that right)
When Terry, Robin & Ellie were leaving, we gave them the Barbie Jeep that Nina used to ride when she was Ellie's age. We hope that Ellie has as much fun with that Jeep as Nina did.
This last picture is of Kira (Nina's cousin), Krisha (Kira's mom / Laura's sister), and Nina. This was taken late at night during the party / BBQ.
So that's it for my vacation pictures. Unfortunately, I didn't take that many. Maybe Brady has some from Las Vegas. If I find some from the cruise that Laura and I took, I'll be sure and post those.
Labels: Vacation