Danny & Family

Just Some Random Stories About Me and My Family

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blue Moon - You Saw Me Standing Alone

That wasn't me you saw, you must have been looking at someone else. I'm right here with my loving family, wonderful friends, and lots of co-workers. Anyway, the reference to the blue moon is because today - May 31, 2007, we (those of us in North America) are experiencing the 2nd full moon in the same month. The other full moon this month was on May 2, 2007. I've already written about this topic in my post of 5-2-07, so I wont bore you with the details again. If you want to read my earlier post click here.

I do have a new piece of info regarding the Blue Moon sent to me by my sister Donna. Click here for that story.

Please enjoy this Blue Moon, because the next time we have one is December 2009.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

May I Have Another?

Another month, another mortgage payment. Another birthday post, and a shout out to all you mothers. And a small change to my blog. Yes, I have changed my profile picture - thanks for noticing. For some reason Laura likes this picture of the two of us. It was taken in March of this year at Dumont Dunes. Thanks to Laura's steady hand, she was able to take this picture herself. I'm not thrilled with the goofy smile on my face, but what the hey.

So who do we have celebrating a birthday in the month of May?

My Good friend Janeen - On the 4th.
Janeen was one of my closest friends in high school; not a romantic interest, just a really good friend. Our history teacher (Mr. Hughes) called Janeen "Gabby" and called me "Ear of Gabby".
Good times!

My Grandma - On the 6th. This is her 96th!
Taft was president the year she was born. That was 16 presidents ago. The Great War (later called World War 1) had not yet been waged when she was born.

This coming Sunday we're gathering at my mom's house to celebrate. I'll take some pictures and add it to this post later.


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Mr. Moonlight

No, this is not another post regarding the Beatles. Yes, the Beatles did record a song called Mr. Moonlight, and yes I recently wrote about my love for Beatles music, but today's post is not about that. Today I want to bring to your attention the first of two full moons we will experience this month.

Today, May 2, 2007, there will be a full moon. Well later this same month, on May 31 to be exact, there will be another full moon. That event is called a Blue Moon. You might have heard the term "Once in a Blue Moon". It's generally referred to something that doesn't occur very often. Well a Blue Moon event doesn't occur very often either.

If you want to read more about the Blue Moon read here and here. Please enjoy these two full moons. I know I will, and I thank God for blessing me by giving me the eyesight to see His beautiful creations.
