Laura's Golf Lesson
My dad, Papa Kirk, taught me how to play golf. I was an avid golfer for years. I played regularly from the time I was in high school – where I was a 2-year varsity letterman on the golf team, and at one point the #2 player on the squad – up to a year or so before Laura and I started dating. No, Laura had nothing to do with it, it was due to a heavier workload. I currently play about twice a year, one of which is a memorial golf tournament named for my dad.
So it is with great eagerness that I look forward to golfing on a regular basis with my Honey-Bunny, and getting away from the brats for ½ a day. Laura signed up for golf lessons through the City of La Habra, which were held at La Mirada Golf Course. La Mirada is the course Papa and I played the most. We played the back nine nearly every Sunday morning for years, being one of the first groups off each time.
Laura spent more time surfing the web for golf equipment, clothing and accessories that I would have liked, but then we shop very differently. But she didn’t actually buy anything. I found out what she wanted and bought it for her online for Mother’s Day. This turned out to be kind-of returning the favor, as she bought me a round of golf (with a gift certificate) decorated beautifully with a picture of the kids with a golf theme. As soon as I find where I put that picture for safe keeping, I'll post it here.
The week before Laura's lessons were set to begin, we practiced in the backyard. I showed her how to grip the club, and how to swing. She hit a few wiffle balls into the hedge. Then I took her to the driving range to hit a bucket of balls. She actually did pretty good - connecting with the ball and getting more loft and distance than I expected. Here are a couple of pic’s of Laura on the driving range.
After Laura finished hitting the golf balls, I took this picture on the way back to the parking lot:
After we got to the car, and as I was putting Laura's golf clubs in the trunk, Laura took these two pic's of Nina. The first one is just plain cute. The second one is . . . . I don't know where she gets that stuff. Are we in trouble or what?
Laura was really sore for a couple of days following this pre-lesson. I told her she used muscles she normally doesn't and it would pass. In a future post I will highlight our first round of golf, which took place on Cataling Island. Stay tuned.